Chesapeake Bay 201: Phosphorus
Peter Kleinman, Ph.D.
Adjunct Associate Professor of Soil Science
Peter Kleinman, Ph.D.
Adjunct Associate Professor of Soil Science
Douglas Beegle, Ph.D.
Destinguished Professor of Agronomy
The Pennsylvania State University
Ernie Shea
Project Facilitator, DelMarVa Land and Little Challenge
Joseph V. Sweeney
Past Chair, Lancaster Farmland Trust
Doroth J. Merritts, Ph.D & Robert C. Walter, Ph. D.
Franklin & Marshall College
Rich Batiuk
Assoc. Director for Science, Analysis & Implementation
US EPA Chesapeake Bay Program Office
Lee Currey
Director, Science Services Administration
MDE & Co-Chair, CBP Modeling Workgroup
Tom Richard, Ph.D.
Professor of Agricultural & Biological Engineering
Director, Penn State Institutes for Energy & Environment